I never have accepted the Death of Gallifrey and the extinction of the Time Lords. I steadfastly refuse to acknowledge such heresy. Of all the things I don't like about the revived Doctor Who, it's the idea that Gallifrey, The Doctor's home planet, no longer exists and that all his people are lost.
Be that as it may, I have decided to create a New Gallifrey, albeit with only the purpose of looking back in the past. I used to write Doctor Who reviews on Rick's Cafe Texan, but have decided the best thing to do is create a separate world (so to speak) to get the reviews for all the stories from now on. That being the case, I now have a new repository for this brilliant (and maddening series): where I will muse on all things Doctor Who-related. Mostly there will be reviews for the classic and revived series, but on occassion I will have personal reflections on any aspect of Doctor Who. It may be a remembrance of someone who has passed on, or it may be to rail against something I did not like or praise something I did.